Selasa, 7 Mei 2019

The "Hidden Survival Muscle" In Your Body Missed By Modern Physicians That Keep Millions Of Men And Women Defeated By Pain, Frustrated With Belly Fat, And Struggling To Feel Energized Every Day

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Tuesday May 07, 2019
Dear Friend,
You train hard, you eat well…it should be enough to keep you in good health and physically and emotionally strong.
Yet, there is a danger lurking in our bodies that's not only hidden from us… but which even doctors are failing to identify.
It affects nearly everybody, no matter how active or sedentary you are, or how old or young you are.
This problem affects not only our body but our whole well-being.
… because it's tight hip flexors.
You see, our hip flexors are the engine through which our body moves. They control balance, our ability to sit, stand, twist, reach, bend, walk and step.
Everything goes through the hips.
And when our hip flexors tighten it causes a lot of problems in ordinarily healthy and active people, like us.
Before I reveal how most people end up having tight hip flexors yet never realize it, let me introduce myself.
Goal:  Boost Energy, Immune System, Sexual Function, Strength & Athletic Performance
Description:  The #1 muscle In Your Body that is the Key to Eliminating Joint & Back Pain, Anxiety and Looking Fat... 
REVEALED! The 10 SIMPLE MOVES that will bring Vitality back into your life so that you can be strong, active, & energetic for yourself and loved ones.
Forward Head Posture FIX
Goal: Get rid of ugly forward head posture while looking younger and taller
Description: The #1 Muscle That FIXES Ugly Forward Head Posture, Trouble Sleeping, Text Neck & Back Pain...All While Diminishing Headaches, Brain Fog & Looking Old
REVEALED! How 10 simple exercises will instantly restore balance to your posture making you physically stronger, mentally sharper and achieve peak performance.
Psychology of Strength Program
Goal: To Become Mentally Tough
Description: The Psychology of Strength Program gives you a practical, step-by-step blueprint to rapidly developing mentally toughness and suppress the fear and self-limiting beliefs that sabotoge your success. It's the the world's first program designed to show how to develop a tough mind that combines training secrets from law enforcement, military, sports psychology, hypnosis, NLP and marital arts.

It is available as a 2-disc DVD set complete with a comprehensive Strong Mind Manual designed to be used alongside the presentations.
24-Hour Testosterone FIX
Goal: Boost T-Levels, Have More Energy & Slow Down Aging
Description: The "Real" Reason You're Getting Fatter, Struggling to Build Muscle, Constantly Tired & You Can't Get Aroused...
And the 24-Hour Fix to:  Reset your testosterone, slow down aging, skyrocket your metabolism, pack on lean muscle, and have more sex without drugs!
Man Breast Solution
Goal: How to Get Rid of Man-Breasts (Moobs)
Description: Revealed! The Shocking Reason Why Most Pills, Creams And Man Boob “Fixes” Don’t Work And Why They May Even Be Making The Problem Worse...
And the 3 triggers that can finally free you from the tyranny of man breasts to transform your moobs into pecs without surgery in as little as 30 days…
Anabolic AfterGrowth
Goal: Build Size & Strength Simultaneously
Description: This program focuses on just 3 exercises and you spend less than 1 hour per workout training 3 or 4 days per week.  This simplistic, minimalist workout will help you stay anabolic with the AfterGrowth Effect. 
Body-Weight BEAST
Goal: Get Ripped & Strong in 30 Days with Just Your Own Bodyweight Without Putting Wear & Tear on your Joints

40 Strong
Goal: Build Bulletproof Strength, Fight Off Weight Gain, Boost Your Energy, And Halt The Aging Process To Stay Looking Lean And Youthful Into Your 40s... And Beyond!
Description: For guys who want to know the best way to build muscle and power into their 40s and beyond.

Vince Gironda Legend and Myth
Goal: Old School Bodybuilding Secrets to Get a Lean Muscular Body
Description:   Vince "The Iron Guru" Gironda was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the "Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time, Vince dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as the Mecca of bodybuilding.

Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym, movie stars were also regular visitors to seek Vince's advice and training. People like Eric Estrada, Clint Eastwood, Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used Vince and his gym to shape up their stars.

His information was light years ahead of the science and this ebook is the most complete and comprehensive writing ever put together on Vince and his methods. This new bookprovides us with the opportunity to gain insight into Vince–the man, the legend and his proven ideas about physique building. 

Vince’s innovative and pioneering ways generated a firestorm of controversy and made him one of the most polarizing figures in bodybuilding. Physique training was his passion and he knew that his revolutionary training ideas built better bodies.
The Savage Strength Training System
Goal: To become incredibly strong.
Description:   Former SWAT Commander and Executive Bodyguard Mike Gillette Grants You The Hidden Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength.

Over The Years Mike Has Trained Everyone From Military and Law Enforcement Personnel, Bodyguards, Competitive Fighters, To Regular Guys Like You And I To Get Strong…

Real strength makes trouble go away and isn’t about “puffing your chest out” and acting cocky… it’s about projecting a capacity for effective action. I am talking about strength and all of the different ways it can improve your life.
And believe me, I am talking to YOU.

Because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can get stronger than they are right now.
Fix My Back Pain
Goal: Get Back To Pain Free Workouts By Fixing Your Back Without Appointments, Medications or Surgery.
Description: Escape a Major Blowout & Fix Your Back in Just Minutes… So You Can Get Back to Your 100% Intensity Pain-Free Workouts...WITHOUT Feeling Bullied Into Time-Wasting Appointments, Expensive Medications or Going Under the Knife.
Fix My Shoulder Pain
Goal: Get Back To Pain Free Workouts By Fixing Your Shoulders Without Appointments, Medications or Surgery.

DescriptionFix My Shoulder Pain was created by Injury Specialist Rick Kaselj, MS.  Utilizing his trademarked SR3 Method  which is short for “Shoulder Reshaping 3-Part Method“, Rick is literally making headlines world wide.  Rather than just stretching and strengthening which only provides temporary relief Rick’s Method actually reconstructs the shoulder joint from the outside and inside.   

Fix My shoulder Pain and the SR3 Method is the first shoulder injury system ever created to help you get back to pain free workouts by focusing on alignment, tissue quality and activation & endurance.  The best part; this program has been specifically designed to help serious fitness enthusiasts who want to avoid expensive and time consuming appointments and would prefer an alternative to medication or surgery.
Fix My Knee Pain
Goal: Get Back To Pain Free Workouts By Fixing Your Knees Without Appointments, Medications or Surgery. 

Description: Escape a Major Blowout & Fix Your Knees in Just Minutes... So You Can Get Back to Your 100% Intensity Pain-Free Workouts...WITHOUT Feeling Bullied Into Time-Wasting Appointments, Expensive Medications or Going Under the Knife.
101 Superfoods That Stop Your Joint Pain & Inflammation
Goal: Naturally stop joint pain by eating pain and inflammation fighting superfoods.
Description: Take Control of Your Joint Pain & Most Feared Life Threatening Chronic Diseases...While Boosting Your Vitality, Energy Levels & Mental Clarity so that You Can...Live & Move Freely in as Little as 14-Days.


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